Bag of gold bars and cash worth £30k found under tree in Berlin
The owner of the bag told police he had put it down when he was locking his bike and forgot to pick it back up.

An unsuspecting man discovered a small fortune when he found a bag of gold sitting under a tree in Berlin.
The bag was filled with 22 gold bars worth about €30,000 (£26,901) and €3,500 in cash (£3,138).
But the honest man did what we all like to think we would do and immediately handed the bag into a police station.
The bag was left just outside a bank in the Neukoelln district, one of Berlin's poorest areas.
The lucky owner of the goods told police he had put the bag down to lock up his bike and then simply forgot about it.
Berlin police posted on Twitter: "Amazing what you can find under a tree in Neukoelln... An honest finder turned in the briefcase with 3,500 euros and gold to our station."
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